Student Profile

Photograph of Hannah Bayne

Hannah Bayne

Graduated: Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Agriculture
Nationality: British
Occupation: Student

Why did you choose to study agriculture?
Although I have no background in farming, agriculture has always intrigued me. Living in Essex, I’m surrounded by farms and arable land, but yet, have no knowledge of what goes on. A visit to the local sheep dairy farm with my children sparked an interest in livestock for me, I wanted to learn more about how our food is produced, what systems are used and why. Loving the outdoors and hard work, which I knew a career in agriculture would entail both, I decided, after leaving school many years ago, I would join Writtle as a mature student and study agriculture.

Why should youngsters consider the agricultural industry?
It is such a varied career with a huge range of potential job possibilities. It is a career that will last a lifetime, people are always going to need food and find better, more efficient, ways of producing that food and keeping up with demand.

What did you particularly enjoy about your course?
I find the most enjoyable aspect of my course is being outside, doing practical tasks, whether it’s a field assessment, putting up a fence or hoof trimming sheep, I find it’s great way to learn.

Future Plans
I plan to study for a degree in agriculture and possibly go into teaching agriculture.